Tuesday, April 10, 2012

do you remember that day when
beside the beach you showed me
(and i showed you) and later we
sat by the waves and your nails
were that pink color you paint
only when you are in love-- well
cameron, today you died in a fire
by the beach and i watched your
house go up in flames and i promised
to myself that i would write to you
every day and every day until you
hardened at the center and in years
two boys would play in the sands
and find the shell of my words
which kept you alive like this
imperfect and round like your elbows
like all those features i will never
touch again like this hardened
and gentle and perfectly white.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very captivating piece, first of all, the mention of a name, in your poetry is rare enough for it to stand out and tell us something, it means it's important. I liked the way it tried to get a hold of memories and what we leave behind, the inevitable fate of life, maybe... maybe the things we will leave behind and the memories these will create. There's a true playfulness to it, a reciprocity ("and i showed you").
    Touching piece.
